PS4 storage space full, although enough GB are free. Ideas?

- in PlayStation

I had a problem there and wanted to ask if you know your way around or if you have the same problem…

Today I want to update a game and the PS4 thinks that I don't seem to have any space left. Nevertheless, it says that I apparently still have a bit more than 100GB free. I currently only have 3 games (FIFA 20, GTA V and COD MW) on my PS4.

I've already heard that some games "reserve" the space for their updates, but that I can't even do an update anymore even though I only have 3 games up (otherwise everything was deleted) is a bit annoying.

Since I play all 3 games more or less actively, I don't want to delete any of the games…

Now to my question: is there a way to make the update without deleting the games forever?

Don't know how e.g. Delete one of the games and download them again? There are tons of old and maybe unnecessary updates / packages above that you don't need…

I thank you now for your answers!

Stay healthy!


Yes, the problem is well known. Try to get a few GB out by deleting old recordings that you no longer need.

If you delete a game that you are still actively playing, you will later have the same problem with the game again.


've deleted everything possible but 10gb (the size of the update) I never get zsm.


How much GB do you have in total if you only have 3 games and that's not enough?


Are 500gb, Call of Duty pulls 170gb away


Ok, then I would definitely advise you to install a larger hard disk 2TB e.g. Because you won't be happy with 500GB.