Ps4 overheats even after dedusting from fan, fan is not spinning properly what to do?

- in PlayStation

Today I dusted my Ps4 because it has overheated very quickly in the last few days (right after opening the application) now I have dedusted it from the inside while isr I noticed that the fan is not spinning properly, I have with cotton swabs etc dedusted the fan from the inside, made with compressed air on the cooling channels and the fan and of course vacuumed, in the end it was looser but still not quite perfect, but I could not do much, so I tried to continue playing with the progress Ps4 at the beginning it seemed relatively good it was not too heavy and my Ps lasted longer than when I opened the application. I thought it was finally over but then after about 20min she overheated and switched off directly, even though she was not really loud in comparison to the past. Now I do not know what to do, should I have the Ps4 repaired, again try to dust it off or can I stop using it?


Compressed air in electronic devices is not always the best choice, which is often discouraged by the power of the Lufr, better vacuum cleaner on the lowest possible performance, because always keep the fan while / protect against rotation.

Since I would visit one of these numerous shops shot from the ground for repair if you yourself have no nimble fingers to the fan change