I always argue with a friend?

- in PlayStation

I just don't know why! Me or him. Every evening after a nice day we discuss and end the phone call in an argument. There are mostly small things such as We wanted to play a mobile game together, but before that he played PlayStation with his friends and that's why I thought that he wasn't up for "gambling" anymore and that he still played the game because of me but was in a bad mood (in his opinion he supposedly not in a bad mood). Discussion already started! Another example: I recommended Bepanthen cream to him because of his wounds on his hand, but apparently he didn't trust me and didn't use it, 2 days later the doctor prescribed the same cream for him! Discussion started!

So it is mostly always small things that we always enlarge! Do you have any tips? Should I just plug in more and be quiet or should he just show more understanding?! He means I don't understand him and I say he doesn't understand me!

"please no answers like" split up "" it's just always the little things


"I recommended Bepanthen cream to him because of his wounds on his hand, but apparently he didn't trust me and didn't use it, 2 days later the doctor prescribed the same cream for him! Discussion began!"

A discussion doesn't just start like that.


An argument always takes two, I think you shouldn't always try to dictate everything to him and he should try to accept a little more, but you both should learn not to be so petty and try to take yourself back a bit, because that is not worth it

In addition, you should think of rules for discussion and rules of argument, e.g. That you only say something to the others 3 times and then no more


By that I mean that I said at the time "why don't you have my use" he "I wasn't sure" I "why didn't you trust me" he "blabla has nothing to do with trust" etc.


Always nice to emphasize that you were right. Always rub under your nose "I told you right away!"

Do you need this confirmation? Can't you just let it be? Be glad that the doctor confirmed what you recommended. And don't worry any further.