Is Rage 2 an online game for ps4 or can you play it offline?

- in PlayStation

Is Rage 2 an online game for ps4 or can you play it offline?


See: For exactly this reason, I have no interest in the PS4! If you absolutely need an Internet connection, I can confidently forgive it!

Although internet is an indispensable standard in our household anyway!


Ev helps this:,3343209.html

in short: it is supported online with special events, which you simply have to do without offline. But it should be playable.


Do not need "mandatory", gives enough offlinetitel, also rage 2;)


Rage 2 is a singleplayer game…

There are certain online features, but they are not necessarily known to me.


You do not necessarily need an Internet connection to play. You need an internet connection to play it online! But this is also the case with XBOX and even with some PC games, e.g. Wow.


Granted: I have a PC Game, that depends to some extent on the Internet - the FSX!

If I set Real Weather, which updates every fifteen minutes, he needs the Internet.


And online games on the PC work without Internet connection? Look at. Technology!

The PC has singleplayer games that require a constant online connection. It does not exist on the PS4.


As I have tried on my PS4, you can play rage two without Internet, but there is some features that you cannot do it. You must skip