Fortnite PS4 Pro Jerkles Sometimes, Normal or Not?

- in PlayStation

Is it normal that Fortnite on the PS4 Pro just sometimes in the middle of the game starts to jerk? It does not jerk long but it just annoying, especially if you're in the fight or something. PS: It's the latest version of the PS4 Pro (CUH-7216B) I'm afraid my PS4 Pro is broken. This is not the case with games like Battlefield V Multiplayer and Battle Royale.


Why do you ask the question again? No idea if you are the same now but there was a question already at noon or the same. Yes, that's normal for her to jerk.


How do you come to the fact that it is s.der system and not on your Wi-Fi? (I'm just assuming that you're not playing via Lan)


But I play by Lan. As I said for example Battlefield V jerky zero. Neither the Battle Royale mode nor the multiplayer mode.


But then it can still be on the Fortnite servers.


Do you play the game yourself? On the PS4 Pro?


No, I do not play fortnite. But laggs can have several causes, especially if they are online multiplayer games.


I'm more PC specialist, but synonymous a console should not jerk.

Somehow the memory full?

At least that's the standard cause of PCs. C: full.


Well the thing is, Battlefield V runs smoothly and the game is a lot more complicated than Fortnite.