Ps4 crashes more often?

- in PlayStation

My PlayStation 4 crashes frequently on some days (every 45 minutes) But there are also days when it does not crash. I've even ordered a fan for the Ps4 but it makes no difference, it still crashes. What could it be?


What kind of version do you have? Have you ever tried another power supply?

Can it be that your cable kink in it has? Little ones could be enough, it just has to be.


It should be version 3.50. I will pay attention to the cable in the future Thank you and Lg


Hm, maybe you also got an old Ps4 model.

After the warranty expired, it started with the crashes, but right.

Until I changed the power supply and HDMI cable, then it was rare.

Now the dusty only and may now and then act as a Bluray player


A tip for your next questions: The more tags you take the more you see your question. I would still have "games" video games "and everything reingetan what has to do with it. Which game crashes? As a day purely for example" assassins creed "


Ok thanks for the tip (Fortnite crashes) :))


Ok, maybe you can add it later (if you're on the phone it should be down iwo) I just see I can paste it.