Bad grade parents say how?

- in PlayStation

Have very strict parents we have agreed that I learn every day but never get ps4 banned but today I wrote a 6 in English which I have to take back to school ex on Wednesday how am I going to explain this to you they will give me 6 to 8 months Ban ps4 and ban laptop

I play in a league with the ps4 and there can be no longer than 1 month away otherwise I will be kicked out please help me only good answers that bring that I do not ban a ps4 and get little trouble stand with the 6 on approx. 3,4 or 3,5

Would probably have a better grade but the one in front of me always distracts me.


I had the same problem with Minecraft. I almost stayed in 11th grade because I was so addicted to this game that I only thought about it and switched on my PC right after school.

You really have to try to overcome your view. These games are designed so that we become addicted to them and it becomes a compulsion and a great loss if we don't continue.

But you can't fall for it. Don't be manipulated. Put the PC away until the Easter holidays. Give your PS4 to your parents voluntarily.


Well, you have a 6. There's not much that can be changed now. Keeping it quiet doesn't help, sooner or later your parents will find out anyway.

It's best to tell them right now. The sooner the better. The longer you hide it, the harder your punishment will be. Especially when your parents get this grade from your school and not from you.

You will have to face the consequences for better or worse. Excuses like "the one in front of me distracts me" will probably bring little. Unfortunately, I don't know how we should prevent you from being banned from using a Ps4 / laptop. You might try to make an arrangement with your parents to reduce or avoid the penalty.


We have agreed that I learn every day

then you shouldn't get a grade with 6.

If your performance drops, your parents will have to show the consequences. And so that you also have time to learn, that would be e.g. A significant reduction in your "online times".


You have to clearly show your parents that good grades and PS4 are compatible.

Explain the situation to your parents very clearly, do it best: cover the grade for the time being, go to your parents and say that you only show the grade before you have explained everything to them. Explain what you did wrong in which task and what you would do better next time. It is also possible that you misunderstood the task but knew the answer. Or you show that the teacher rated too strictly or that you didn't know that answer, but you knew other things that weren't asked.

Show your parents that you have dealt with the test, that you have recognized the seriousness of the situation, that you are aware of your mistakes and that you know how you can and will improve them.

Address the issue with the PS4 and explain how you can combine learning and PS4. Explain to them e.g. A schedule according to which you e.g. You can play an hour of PS4 for an hour of learning. Or think of a concept for yourself that your parents would certainly accept.

There are big bonus points if you suggest them to buy a learning book on the subject that you will work through, or sign up for a tutoring course.

You need to understand your parents to understand how to calm them down. They worry about your grades and believe a ban will get you to school more.

But if you show them that you will go to school yourself without bans, they will give you another chance.


Well someday everyone gets it. Some earlier, some later. Now you've got a grade 6. This happens to everyone at some point except people in Austria, who can get a maximum of 5.

Now you have to analyze what was wrong. Was it your own fault because you simply overdid the gambling or did you learn the ex wrong (how that sounds xD) or was the teacher possibly unfair or what was the reason? As long as this note 6 remains the exception this time and does not become a program, everything is half as bad. Better sex with the ex than a six in the ex.

Your parents shouldn't be like that. Your parents certainly didn't just have dream grades and were model students in their school days. I also often had fives (6 are not available as grades here in AT) and even stayed several times due to unfortunate circumstances. Still, I did almost all of my degrees.


Ok thanks that's the best answer of all now


OK thanks