Why aren't my parents proud of me?

- in PlayStation

So I'll come straight to the topic, I'm not the best student now and, to be honest, I never study because I'm very lazy, but recently I rubbed myself off and started to study for hours on my math exam you have to know I'm extremely bad at math, I've only been at high school for two years and all my previous grades in math were really only 5s. Even though I have studied, I have now studied for days without a break And just got a two and I was only missing 2 points for nh 1. And my parents take it for granted when I told my mother, for example, that I'm only 2 points missing, she said oh why didn't you make the 1, strictly you But why aren't they just proud of me? My brother is a middle school student goes to a high school and only gets 3 and for each grade he gets 20 euro or so or a new controller for his Playstation and I don't get anything, so you know I don't want something I need no money or Macbook or anything i just want love and affection and that my parents are finally proud of me. I have never received a reward from my parents for a grade - they generally prefer my 3 other siblings to me. I don't think I can change that much about this thing now, but how can I deal with it and do you feel the same way?


Of course, that's sad if you don't appreciate it. Maybe they are used to the other siblings getting relatively good grades and expect that from you too. Maybe even because you're in high school.


Keep trying! A single 2 won't save you all of your testimony. I think your parents think you are very smart and have high hopes for you. Get a few more good grades and you'll be better off


Okay first of all I'm very sorry

I don't know why your parents prefer your siblings

what my advice now is: try to remain respectful and learn for yourself and your future and not for your parents you have to find a job on your own etc., I can't help with such complex topics, maybe you can do a respectful one Sound talking to them.

Do not bear that on you as too heavy a burden, it will break you, "just" stay relaxed and do an intensive conversation, it might get better and even if you don't stick to your goals anyway.

What I wrote above is just my opinion, the advice may not be the best, but that's how I would do it.

wish you all the best

Many greetings

PS: I read below that your parents think you are very smart and therefore rely on you, in any case keep up your school performance.


I don't know now what to vote on because I don't see what stands for what, but it doesn't matter.

Have you ever addressed your parents directly about it? Maybe they don't even realize how unequally they treat you and your siblings?


Oh yes I did and they said they treat everyone the same, I've asked them about it so often today, even today