My parents are freaking out What should I do?

- in Xbox

This is the improved version!

My parents are very annoying! I sit at home and have nothing to do thanks to my parents. They took my cell phone away, and not just for a week, but for three months. I can only learn because I'm not so good at school. But I have already improved, so even my teachers said that I'm on the right improvement course. I would have got my new cell phone this year. I made a mistake, of course, and my parents said that when the cell phone arrives, it first goes into hiding. I replaced the new phone with my broken one because both phones looked similar and my parents didn't notice. But it was exposed.

Something similar has happened to my Xbox one. I really hate my parents! I bought GTA V but it turned out to be banned in Australia because it is said to be misogynistic. The xbox is now in the basement and I sit here and type this and listen to swear words on my mom.

She always says that I should go to a home. After every argument she talks badly about me all the time which really picks me up.

I'm ready to improve! Please help me what my parents want

I think more respect. You hate it when I reply cheekily! But often I can't help it. It's really hard to say nothing.

She doesn't trust me! NOTHING AT ALL


It's no wonder they don't trust you if you betray them like this.

Then work on your behavior towards your parents. You first have to earn your trust again.


Doesn't every teenager go through something similar? Do you think you're an exception? Much would be done if both sides stopped shouting or swearing. Decency is worth something! You can control yourself so far that no one has to be down. Everyone has their own arguments and can then speak. And the other listens to him. This is called a culture of debate. This is not an argument in itself - this is talking to each other. Strive for it! This does not automatically mean that you are right. But in this way, at the end of the discussion, you can understand why your mother acted like she did. And if your arguments are stronger than hers, you could emerge victorious.

If you can't get the argument going, you need someone to have conversations with you. That could be someone from the youth welfare office. Write them a mail and describe how your mother behaves - and what you make of it.


Sometimes I wish for a shotgun and bamm!

Are you seriously asking why your parents react this way?

Perhaps a children's and youth home would really be the best for you to get to know reality.

Your parents are not obliged to give you a cell phone, they are not obliged to let you play games that are from 18 and hostile to women anyway.

Your parents react correctly.

Judging by your spelling, you are not exactly showing respectful behavior.

There's a saying as it resounds in the forest so it resounds.


Why are you sitting at home? The weather is good outside, you can do that without a cell phone. Learning for school is important - unfortunately, because without a good degree you won't get a decent job these days.


The sentence was kindly removed.


Always with Tranquillity. You are very upset. Rest will help you further. If you are helped further, it will also be good for your parents.

It would actually be nice if your parents actively seek help. But now you are the one who turns to the forum here. This is good and an adult idea. You want to improve the situation and ask how it could be done. Great! It is an important step.

You will grow up and will be on your own two feet in a few years. Then you can freely organize your mobile phone use and all the rest as you feel good. A few years ago you were a child and your parents decided what was good for you. Today you stand somewhere in between and it is difficult for you to find your place. This is not unusual at your age.

As far as I can see from your explanations (of course that's just your direction of view, it's okay too), your parents are not respectful and sensible with the situation. Of course, it's their job to motivate you to learn. But "hate", "don't trust anything", "3 months away from cell phone" etc. Sounds like they have lost control.

The best way to get more respect is to show more respect. Just assume that you have important reasons for your behavior. It doesn't matter whether that's objectively correct or not. It is just an assumption. Then take your parents' statements seriously, at least as long as they don't insult you directly and personally. Examples:

"You're taking my smartphone away from me? Okay. There will be a reason for that. I don't recognize it yet, but you have more life experience than me. I will see what advantages and disadvantages it has. In addition, it would be helpful if you tell me what your purpose is. " Then when they explain it, answer: "Okay, thanks, I'll think about it." And then give yourself 2 or 3 days to think about it. There's no hurry.

Something else is your mother's curse words. It's not just counterproductive, because it shows you something that it doesn't want you to do. It is also forbidden to disparage children verbally. An ad will hardly get you any further, however, a quiet answer may be: "This is an insult. Do you want insults to appear in our conversations?" If she says no, answer: "Okay, I don't want that either."

Exchanging cell phones and buying banned games for the XBox were nice attempts to become independent. That won't work with flunkers and deceit. Here it would be helpful if you really saw why that was bad. A trusting cooperation is only possible if everyone behaves trustworthily. Here you have potential for improvement.

"Go home"?! Oh dear. Your parents are apparently also on the edge of the abyss. Did you want to rush in there together? Noise forever? Or how about you pull yourself together and realize: "Parents are human. The child is human. Nobody in the world has said that it is easy to pack 3 different people into one family. Living together is difficult and nobody is blame it. It's just the nature of families. " The problems don't just go away, but you can see them more calmly.

Of course you depend on your parents, but you can also look at them from a little more distance. The way you look at strangers here in the forum: If I were to blow a few swear words at your ears ("You fool!"), You could think calmly: "Oh, he is probably in a bad mood today. He has no idea about me, so his swear words say more about his mood than about me. " To a certain extent, this can also be done with your parents.

I assume that you both have the same goal, namely that you become an independent and satisfied man. Is that correct? Of course, if you got confirmation and trust, that would be more helpful. But even if you don't get what you want from the outside, you will grow and can look for positive confirmation yourself. What are you good at? What do you enjoy And what can you enjoy from life without a cell phone?

Find something every day that you did well and what your parents did well - no matter how tiny. "Mom, the tomato sauce is delicious. Thank you!", "Dad, you have nice shoes.", "I have a 3 in today