Am i addicted to gambling? Ps4?

- in PlayStation

I gamble differently depending on my mood, so I gamble for a few days for 4 hours in a row. But then I lose interest and don't play anything for weeks. So I quickly lose my temper.

I've read that you're addicted to gambling for more than an hour.

Do sports 4 times a week on the side and if I don't have a gamble phase then I just sit in the evening with my friends in the party and talk about the sport, goals and nutrition tips.

Is that gaming addiction?


How much do you play in a week?


You are only addicted if you continue to play, if you no longer enjoy it because you don't, but you are not addicted

(It varies from country to country, I think in Japan it is like you say but only from 3 hours a day)


There are weeks where I play 4 hours a day and then also weeks where I don't feel like talking to friends about sports or current topics only in voice chat.


Addicted after an hour of gaming? Pff, first of all you are not addicted to gambling because you only have phases. Once more, once less, right? If you only gamble and nothing else, you can assume that you have developed an addiction. But that's not the case. Think of it as a hobby and a nice little pastime. You can also gamble for several hours or even for several days. But don't overdo it either. If you find that you can't break away from your game: Addicted. But again there are exceptions only that would go beyond the scope.

Conclusion: No, you are not addicted and do what you think is right. Don't believe everything you read in forums and on the internet in general. They only believe that we're all couch potions who are vampires and have no social skills. Ridiculous.

Gamble as much as you can if it makes you happy and definitely keep doing sports👍




Of course you are addicted to gambling, what do you think? You don't say how much money you've gambled away and don't feel like playing until there's not much money left (to play) or how? And your friends don't know you are playing ((?). You (probably) haven't asked your friends (yet) about money, or am I wrong?


I only spend my money on fitness stuff 😅

I only buy games on offer that I then ned play haha


Yes yes congratulations😅. You are such a good child! I just wanted to confirm your claims. Bye.


No. You are only addicted to gambling when you have control over your gambling behavior, e.g. You lose the time regularly and focus so much on it that you neglect your duties and social contacts in real life to such an extent that you e.g. Sitting down or threatening to lose your job, but you still can't stop. A sign of this would be, among other things, if you like to play for a long time (most of the day for at least 1 month) to escape the real world in video games.

In the same breath I should mention that e.g. "Gambling through" the summer holidays is not a concern, as long as you can regulate it yourself again as soon as it is over