Ps4 Pro too loud, reset factory settings?

- in PlayStation

My PS4, which I have had for almost 2 years (warranty expired), has recently become quite loud, comparable to a vacuum cleaner, so I watched some videos on how I can best clean the PS4.

And some of you know that you can clean the fans in this way without breaking the seal for the guarantee, that is to say to open the lid of the Ps4 and at least free the fan from the dust, but I did nothing.

Now I'm considering unscrewing the PS4 completely if there's any dust inside because my guarantee has already expired and I have nothing to lose except of course the console if something goes wrong.

However, I don't want to leave anything untried, so I wonder if it would be useful to clean the hard drive or reset to factory settings, whether that has any effect on how much the PS4 has to "work".

Since I'm honestly not even sure if this noise / heat comes from the dust or simply because the hard drive is too overloaded.

And I'm aware for some of you this question sounds a bit stupid, unfortunately I'm not so much of a technology expert and wanted to hear your opinion again or read whether that would bring anything as I said.

And I'm sorry for German.

Edit: I should also mention that I ignored this sound quite often, which of course was pretty stupid, because today I got the message "Your PS4 is overheated, please wait until the temperature drops". Themselves to blame. : /


It's gone, I have to buy a new one.


I will do, thank you. 😊