Motorbike makes clicking sounds when accelerating, why?


I have a Honda CBF 600. And every time I step on the gas, I hear clicking noises - from the direction of the chain / engine.

The click-sounds increase with the gas-giving. In general, I hear the between the 3-4 gear and only between 30 and 70 km / h. When I drive normally (without strong gas), everything sounds normal.

Can it be because of my slack? Currently have some slack on my chain.

Could it be that my bike was out in this warm winter and got caught somewhere or something? Visually, I have not seen anything from the outside. PS: I think I heard those clicking sounds last season, but I'm not sure anymore.

Can it be that the engine was still too cold? Because of the clicking sounds, I drove only a few times 30 minutes and then back.

Can it be due to gas? At the end of last year I fueled Super plus. Maybe something in the direction? My tank is almost empty.

What else could it be?

Unfortunately, my motorcycle factory town has only 2 weeks off dates again… And that's of course a horror… The sun, the bike… And you're afraid to drive ^^


I suspect a beating necklace. Does she also rattle? When did you last care for it (cleaned and re-lubricated)?

Preserved before winter (chain wax applied)?


Change the pinion?


I cleaned them a few days ago and applied chain spray on them. A rattle is not heard.

I did not do that with chain preserving (not knowing). Next winter I know better ^^


What is the mileage of the machine?
Is this identical to the chain set (pinion and sprocket)?


Have already considered replacing the whole chain set (about 300 euro). Visually there was nothing remarkable to see. And when I drive normally (without strong gas-giving) there are no clicking noises. Even if I drive over 70km / h or very slowly everything sounds normal.


Yes, the sprocket does not necessarily look that way, even if it does not have real shark teeth, it can be that way, that's also useful on the side, just when your chain has a game like you say.

Is then jdfs. Nothing bad, can confidently continue driving now in the beautiful weather.


The machine now has 65,000 km behind it. I bought that 3 years ago. Do not know if the previous owner has changed something (he has done a lot of expensive). I have not changed anything on the chain just once last year chain stretched.


Oje… Mileage since you have the machine?

Take the pinion cover down and look how it looks around the pinion.

If the chain was too tight (now it has slack again) → may have killed the transmission outbound bearing.


Thank you, will let check in two weeks in my workshop, I have the earliest possible date. Will drive the two weeks anyway… Very carefully…