Are the game sounds copyrighted by Disney / Pixar?

- in Xbox

I would like to use the in-game sounds from the PS3 / Xbox360 Wall-E-Game for a future Hytale modification. Now the question arises whether the sounds are copyrighted or not. I won't make any money with the mod 'or anything like that. Is the linking / specifying where I got the sounds from or is there more to it?

Contacting Disney / Pixar is unlikely to work because I will most likely not get any feedback.

Does anyone have (real and honest) experience or knowledge of it?


No license of the rights holder = No publication of any kind whatsoever by third parties.

So there are three possible basic scenarios:

The rights holder licenses its content under a license such as Creative Commons or similar: In this case, anyone can use the content provided the license conditions are met / met.
The person wishing to use makes an inquiry to the rights holder in order to receive a license from him: In this case, the user who is now licensed can use the content, provided the license conditions are met / met.
Neither scenario 1 nor 2 exists: In this case, the user would commit a copyright infringement when using the content. And that can be extremely expensive for him.

P.S.: The purely private use may be Something else.

Print a picture and put it on the wall in the kitchen: no problem.

Use a song as "announcement text" for answering machine / mailbox: more of a problem.


Thank you for your response!

Do you know if it is possible to get a kind of license that allows me to use these things? Because I'm a private individual, it is much harder to get one.

(Of course I'm aware that this could cost some money.)