How do I get rid of chat (Twitch)?

- in Twitch

I was banned from the gronkh chat on Tuesday (nothing is permanent) … I really have no idea about twitch, since I only watch Gronkh… How can I get rid of this spell? How can I contact the moderator? I did nothing bad… Just a slightly inappropriate comment. But that is absolutely not enough for a block!


However, an inappropriate comment that is undesirable in the chat is banned. It is up to each streamer how he handles it. You were completely banned and can no longer write anything there


Themselves to blame.


In advance: A mod decides whether something is sufficient for a block. (It has the "house rights" in the chat, so to speak)

You can send the moderator a private message on Twitch if you know his username.


How do I find out the moderators when I don't even see the chat? Oh yeah… It's okay that I can't write anymore… But why can't I even see the chat anymore? So who has come up with something like this again. Humanity today.


Please just refrain from unnecessary comments… I know that you don't have to take little children to school at the moment… But please do something other than writing a unnecessary comment on a platform that is supposed to Help other people.


It is like this.

If you have written an offensive comment and you are then blocked by the mods, it is your own fault.

They choose the rules.

Btw. "Unnecessary comments," says the one who insults me without context as a "little child". I mean, even if I have to go to school, I can still be on this platform.

In addition, you were banned in a livestream due to a comment. I think you're more like the "little child" who just annoys in the chat and then has to be banned by us.


You can join the Discord Server on and write to one of the mods there.

Apologize politely and ask if the lock can be removed. Mods like LumenMilites, ElfLyn or Wolkisan are often active and usually respond quickly.