Emotes not visible in OBS Chat (Twitch)?

- in Twitch

Beautiful good day,

I have the problem that I only see my added emotes directly in the twitch chat but not in the OBS chat. Which surprises me because it is actually linked to the one on Twitch. I downloaded the add-ons from bettertv or whatever that means and everything works but only directly when I'm on twitch.

Can you link that somehow or am I now forced to decouple the Twitch chat from the browser?


Maybe it just takes until it is synchronized.
N / A whether that makes a difference, but try to take the chat dock out in OBS and put it back in again, if you haven't tried it yet.
Otherwise I can't think of anything else to trigger it. 🤔
Probably only patience is required.


Thank you in any case for the answer

have now solved the problem. Simply OBS → Settings → Stream → Twitch AddOnsChat → and then select the right one


Some things can take a long time to synchronize.
Well, I also hope for you that it is only because of that, or else you will find a solution.