Take over Twitch emotes?

- in Twitch

Can I actually take over Twitch emotes from other streamers? A good friend of mine is streaming on twitch and finds someone's emote so great and is now wondering whether that is possible or whether it is punishable or not? There are sites like Frankerfacez there are so many emotes that people use on their channels or in the Discord for their own purposes.


No. You can't just adopt other emotes. There's also something about emotes, called copyright.

If you want to use the emotes, you need permission from the author.

Basically, you have permission to use the emotes for your own messages in chat, which has been obtained implicitly by uploading the emotes to Twitch. But then uploading the emotes for your own channel so that other people can use them is not so easy if you don't have permission to do so.


And if you change that? Eg hair color or color of clothes


You can change the emote. But you shouldn't necessarily publish your editing just like that. As a rule, you still need the consent of the original author, even if you are the author of the editing. (See: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/...__23.html)

There are also exceptions, for example when it comes to satire or parody. But usually…