Ping high in the evening?

- in Twitch

I have the following problem and the ping times go up to some sites / games from about 8pm.

I usually have a ping of 30-50ms no matter where I go during the day.

From 8 p.m., however, it rises to 120-200 ms, but only on certain sides and in certain games.

I.e. Now I ping e.g. Google, youtube, facebook to I have my normal ping of about 30ms. I ping e.g.,, or on is the ping at 180 ms.

The whole thing also affects games, I now play e.g. Call of Duty (Activision) I also have a 180ms ping there and is therefore not playable. I start now but Rocket League I have my 30 ms there.

This is kind of confusing for me now, since there's basically a good connection, but it affects too many different sides where the problem occurs to postpone the error.

Does anyone have a solution for me?


You are not the only one who may use the internet. If all the distribution points / servers have more load, the latency also increases.


The thing is that I play CoD with e.g. 5 people and nobody else has a problem. What I did not mention then, I now connect my cell phone and use USB tethering, I also have a normal ping of 50ms.


This is because the internet is a shared medium. I.e. Because people are at home in the evening, more people access the Internet via the Internet, the bandwidth is divided and the latency (your ping) increases.

It's best to call your ISP (Internet Service Provider (Telekom, Vodafone, O2 or anywhere else)) and ask. But most likely he will not be able to do anything.


But the 5 people don't live in the same street with you?


It's up to your provider, you don't know where your teammates are (which ISP they have)


In fact, someone lives on the same street and has the same provider.


If you can rule out that it is because someone in the household is watching Netflix or downloading something, it will be up to your provider.

Say there are bottlenecks in the network segment in which you are located.
Indicator of this: The latency increases to all destinations / services, not just individual ones.

Providers in Germany who make the Internet available via the cable network aka Vodafone Kabel / (Unitymedia) etc. Are often affected.

I have also seen this with resale connections from Vodafone via DSL. Telekom then provides the DSL link and the traffic is transferred to Vodafone centrally - there are bottlenecks at these transfer points. When confronted by Vodafone with the problem, they say that they are unwilling to increase capacities.

Either way… Contact the provider if it occurs several times - apply pressure.
With enough pressure, Vodafone can get you out of the contract prematurely and you can switch.


Has nothing to say. If the DSLAM node is overloaded, the ping goes up. You can live a house apart, your acquaintance can get another node


One of them is on the same street with the same provider.


How I push that has nothing to say


Then I would have to have a generally high ping and not with most things, right?


As MeisterRuelps says. Another node is sufficient. It is best to call the ISP.


I explained it to you at the beginning: This can suddenly change from day to day. In the evening there are more people on the Internet!


By the way, it's Kabel Deutschland, if that changes anything.


No, it doesn't change anything, the answer remains the same. You can ask 100,000 times


Maybe I put it wrong, I got 30ms to facebook, google and Rocket League at exactly the same time. To activision and twitch but 180ms


Yes, it doesn't change anything. If one of the transfer nodes is overloaded or the server goes to its knees!


We have both done ne route tracking at the same time, for me the position is with around 300 ms and the same IP with my colleague with 30ms


Again: Then a node is overloaded - you have just confirmed what I said. Your buddy and you access the server via other nodes. - It does not change anything!


Yes, that is basically clear to me, but I did a route tracking with my colleague on the same street and on the spot that shoots up at me, he stays down. But I sometimes sent the provider, sometimes looked.


Um, I just wrote that we're accessing the same point, the address above, from there it goes up for me, but not for him. The rest is the same, but it's okay. I sent the provider ma, let's see.


That has nothing to say, I do not see your tracert here, you only showed me an IP, probably your own and if I do a chase there I have a ping of 17 ms and at I have 8 ms. Consequently one of YOUR nodes is overloaded.

Before I became a biochemist, I trained as a FiSi, I think I can assess the situation quite well.

You don't seem to want to understand it.


I've already sent the provider. For me, the route looks the same, but as I said, it's ok, go to sleep, you get annoyed very easily.


Nope, I'm relaxed, only if you don't want to / want to understand what two (!) Other users are telling you here and you just repeat what you said the second or second time without understanding what the problem really is (and realizing it) - Can it ever be too stupid for me! But that's the problem with adolescents, never satisfied until they hear a solution that's right for them.

I could have told you some nonsense that it wasn't your fault and then you would have tried to do it ;-) but I don't do that.

Therefore I recommend you: Lie down or prefer to study for school and when you wake up tomorrow you have a good ping and everything is wonderful.

P.S. The provider will probably tell you something similar to what we do.


Oh god, I'd like to be back in school, you shouldn't take things you don't know. The problem has existed since before the Corona period, so it will certainly not get better tomorrow. The provider should be able to route me differently, shouldn't it? I actually hoped that I could influence the route myself, but apparently that's not the case.


No, that's not easy. Since you are connected to a port and are in a database that contains all assignments from the DSLAM / distribution point to your socket. If it says "Participant X is routed via node Z", you can't influence this (otherwise it would be a security risk). If another node no longer has a free port, you can't be changed.

In the worst case, you can get into the eaves from the rain: If this node is more fully used, the ping and possibly also the data transfer rate will get even worse.

Had already experienced that myself.


Well, they check the line and I have 50GB of data volume on my cell phone, so that's it for now. Will run again sometime.


With USB tethering, is the ping reasonably normal again?

Does this only apply if the cell phone uses mobile data or also with WLAN?


60-70ms for mobile data


And with WLAN I can only choose the standard network, then stay high.


So I was able to choose my cell phone, I issued mobile data and WLAN, then I have 30ms


Do I understand that correctly now?

You have mobile data from, Wi-Fi on and the cell phone is connected to the PC via USB tethering? And then you have 30 ms? Even though you are still using Kabel Deutschland. And your friend, who is also at Kabel Deutschland and lives on the same street, has a low ping?

Then it can actually not be due to the provider. What about other household devices? Other PCs, TVs, etc. Does the ping go up in the evening?


Yes, thanks to the time, but also down over the LAN. It will be as the other two say.


But that does not make sense. There's already a possibility that it is due to your PC or router. It would be best if someone who is familiar with it takes a closer look.


So I was told now that there are no overloads and generally no problems with the line, I'm now getting a new router. How that should be due to the technology now, if it works 20 out of 24 hours a day, I don't quite understand it, but I'm curious.


So a new router solved the problem.