PS4 ping vs PS5 ping?

- in PlayStation

Hi, I wanted to know if the ping on the PS5 is better than the one on the Ps4. Since my PS4 is overheated every now and then and is really extremely loud and I also have a packet loss of 20%, I wanted to know whether this is due to the PS4 and whether I have a better ping or normal ping WITHOUT PACKETLOSS or less PACKETLOSS on the PS5 will!
Thank you! (I have a 75K line, copper, DSL, packet loss occurs when someone watches netflix on the TV, reaches a maximum of 47mbits down and 12mbits up is displayed on the Fritzbox 7530 RT; port sharing is also activated so that I have nat-type open on PS4)


Well the ps5 has a bigger and better Wi-Fi receiver so that of the ps5 is also better but you can force the same result over a lan cable


I bought my Playstation 4 in 2015 and now have the Playstation 5. The Internet connection on the Playstation 5 is much faster and more stable, especially via Wi-Fi. (Among other things because the PS5 offers 5GHz Wi-Fi)


Oh okay thank you! Do you have a better ping with LAN cable than on the Ps4 with LAN cable?


I think the differences in ping are small, it won't be any worse than on the Playstation 4


Just when, as has already been said here, the PS4 is not yet able to use a 5 Ghz W-LAN, but the PS5 does, that's definitely a point that affects the W-LAN reception of the PS5 compared to that of the PS4 makes "better".

The quotation marks because a connection via W-LAN is always extremely susceptible to interference. A direct connection via LAN cable is always better / more stable and, if possible, preferable.

With a 75 Mbit / s line, there should actually be no packet loss as soon as someone in the home network is watching Netflix, for example. Even a UHD stream "only" needs approx. 24 - 30 Mbit / s. If, of course, everything here is also connected via W-LAN, that would be the explanation.

Still, the question: Are there any general problems with your connection?


Hi, thanks for your help!
I know that there shouldn't be any packet loss: /
I only use the PS4 with Lan, otherwise all other devices are connected wirelessly. Sometimes, but really very seldom, the DSL button on my FritzBox flashes, so of course the Internet goes away or the connection is "lost".

So the difference between the PS4 & PS5 with LAN cable is small or the same, but wireless is the PS5 better?


One could put it that way.

However, this is less due to the Playstations than actually to your connection. As you describe it, there seems to be something wrong with the connection directly or with the router.

Is your connection to our dance area?
If so, just let me know and I'll be happy to take a closer look.


Yes, I have the Austrian Telecom provider (Magenta / T-mobile)


Oh, then we have no access and you would have to contact our Austrian colleagues directly.