Advertisement because of Twitch Livechat at 13?

- in Twitch

A 15 year old wants to report me am 13

I pointed out something to him and he insulted me and banned me. I always opened about 6 accounts on twitch and insulted him because he insulted me.

He wants to advertise me now

he said I threatened his mother although the maximum I said is "h us0"


He could report you, but since you are not yet of criminal age, this would have no consequences for you. No matter what you did.


He said on Twitter that he really wants to do this and all


If you created 6 accounts just to offend for such garbage, I'll grant you that.

But since you're only 13 and the police have better things to do than chase you for insulting Twitch… Well, nothing will happen.


Even if. You are 13 and not yet of criminal age. But you can also deal with insults more confidently than with counter-insults.

Ignore, block the person and be good.


Yes that took and a long time and he always banned me. I wanted to point out to him that he shouldn't play his copyright music because of the new regulations but he said no, I'll do it and because of you, I said ok, I'll get in touch so that you will be informed then insulted me for what an M1 ** birth I was and hu *** son


But I don't want any charges or charges jz already


There will definitely not be any charges since you are only 13. Whether he will even show you remains to be seen. Because then it would turn out that he has insulted you too, if that's what you've said here.


If he does not save the stream as VoD, he is allowed to use this music.


The stream was saved for subs


Uhh what? Will happen


Read it again slowly…

The police / public prosecutor's office is investigating a complaint, that's their job. Since you are still 13 your parents will have to explain themselves. Possibly. If you find out that your parents don't have you under control, the youth welfare office will come and see that everything fits your home and will monitor whether your parents can handle you here.

What do you not understand about it? - Did you think that just because you are 13 you can get away with it? - Keep on dreaming!

You have enough criminal energy to read it that way.


But it's not the upbringing or anything like that, I just had a bad day and he just kept provoking me.


This is exactly what the police / youth welfare office will find out - unless something else is found.


But then you are still 13 and not of criminal age. He can also stand on his head.