Advertisement does not come through ebay classifieds?

- in Nintendo

Hello I'm trying to sell my Nintendo Switch on eBay classifieds.

I also put my old cell phone in there, it went without problems, it said 2 minutes and the ad was online.

With my advertisement with the Nintendo Switch it was now also but when I went to my advertisements there were still 5 total advertisements and under active advertisements only the mobile phone I tried again it was online again for two minutes but again nothing is under mine Show. Why does the ad not come online or not through that someone might post for me or help me


The ads are still being checked before they are posted online. You can read more about it here:


No, that's just the thing that has disappeared and it wasn't online soon so that they would be checked but online in 2 minutes if they were being checked I would see the ads but they have completely disappeared


Ad not transmitted

You will receive a confirmation by email for every advertisement. Please also check your spam or junk mail folder to see if it can be found there. If you can't find the ad in the ad overview under "Mine", the ad was probably not transferred. In this case, please post the ad again.

Advertisement deleted due to violation

If the advertisement can't be found in the overview of your advertisements under "Mine", it is possible that we deleted it after checking it due to a violation. You will receive an email from us for this. You can find out more about


I think they still did not understand me, she was never in exams the ad was there in 2 minutes online I checked 10 seconds later there was nothing there minutes later I don't know that so if it says 2 minutes that the is online immediately I have tried it three more times because it is still there The ad is online then I go to mine and the ad is not there again, you can't be found in the search I also did not receive an email


Then I don't know what to do… Maybe your account is blocked?


No, my account is not blocked