Can you call Fortnite the best game in the world right now?

- in Twitch

Fortnite is still in hype after 2 years and at Season 10 a new map will come and the hype will be even bigger and the game will be kept up to date and also has many events

Almost every second in the world plays the game, and Fortnight is almost always the highest at Twitch

Can Fortnite be described as the best and most successful game?


If you are between 5 and 12 years old.


Best "children's game" probably sooner.

The most popular would probably not fit the best.


A hype does not make a good game for a long time. Some games are much better than others, but are drowned out due to lack of presence.

That the 2 Map is also hyped and this is still growing, is also pure speculation of you and where did you get it with every 2. Does it play? Not even everyone 2. Has the opportunity to.


Why children's play? Because of the graphics and the design? Since someone is still stuck in the 90's…


No, because statistically the average age at the game is quite young. What has to do with the fact that I'm stuck in the 90s? Were there any children games in the 90s?


Fortnite Fortnite does not play as many adults


Fortnite Fortnite does not play as many adults


The story is designed for children, you also notice the difficulty. PvP is never for children who have the just fo fun thoughts.

People stuck in the nineties dismiss everything as "is for children" if it has a style reminiscent of animation. See, for example, anime and just Fortnite.


Have I ever said or written anything about graphics or design, do I play enough games that have such graphics that I would not call childrens games? You put that in my mouth right now.

If I do not like croissants, do I hate all the French and be a racist?

Fortnite is a kindergame to me because:

The average age of the game is very low (as I said). You just need to play a few matches and you can hear (thanks to the microphone) that most of the kids are out and about.
No adult out of my environment is gambling this game, be it at work, family or friends. Only my nephews gamble that and they are just at this age 11-13 years) and their friends all gamble the game. In addition, you can hear enough children in the age of this Fortnite gamble, because you only need to run through the city.

I also watch anime and there are also enough anime made for kids, same at games. This has zero to do with the fact that I'm stuck in the "90s".


You seem to have understood the thread of argumentation 0 … Again, in a nutshell:

You: Fortnite is for kids

I why? Because of graphics?

You: No because of average age. Why 90?

Me: because they see it that way the most

I did not put anything in your mouth.

How do you know that the average age is low? I'd like to see proven statistics + the analysis that it's children who see it as child's play and not competitive, which, incidentally, has little to do with a breeze. Everything else would be pure speculation, which you then sell as facts.

Of course there's anime for kids, have I ever denied it? Who puts words in the mouth now?


Oh man I see where that leads.

First, swallow your Ritalin and come down from your hipster and do not be "offended" for every little trash, as you'd say for sure, because you're shaking all generations.

Discussion has no meaning for me and ends with it.