Am I the only one who thinks like that?

- in Twitch

I haven't felt like going to school since the first day of school I didn't like sitting in the room with 20 children and getting up early, etc. Why should I get up early and then work on something that doesn't interest me? And I have to look for an apprenticeship next year, but none of that interests me. I have had this thought for days that twitch streamers or youtubers can simply finance their living by gambling for hours that would be everyone's dream but I would never show myself in front of a camera that somehow doesn't suit me and on the other hand people get up early every day and do their training and have to work all the time and this contrast is really important for me, of course there are people who like to work and have made their hobby their profession, but gamble a hobby is what you earn money with? I have to say I also love to walk through the forest for hours I feel free in nature and here I'm depressed I don't talk a lot and just unhappy I can't just force myself into the system I can't imagine working 60 years I want to live my life

What do you think of my way of thinking? I would be happy if you write me what you think about it and maybe open your eyes

And I already apologize for my spelling, my battery is about to run out should I hurry


I find it a bit weak in terms of character… Yes, some make their hobby into a profession, yes, some also on Youtube… But the chances that you will have just as professional success are slim, since there are enough Youtube that gamble… School is important and many want it don't get up early or don't do a job… But why? There's a suitable job for everyone, where you earn enough money and have fun… Just because you don't feel like kicking your bum up to do something useful? I can't understand that at all. For me that is laziness and you are not looking for arguments to talk yourself out of it anymore… I don't think it's good at all, because you have no fixed future… If you have no idea what interests you, then seek advice or do internships… In the end, do but you anyway what you want…


Would you like to go to school or work? Not really, and yet I did that and still had free time and a good life.

Earn money with Twitch, dear, you can't live on it. Or do you want to spoil 500 hours for 100 dollars and play the entertainer all the time? Not me.


You want one, you have to.

You could also say that you stay at home, lie lazily on the couch and live at the expense of others (which is unfortunately possible with us). But these people are usually the least satisfied.

I also work in the office and sometimes I don't feel like getting up in the morning and going back to work. But once you are there, can take on responsibility and have nice colleagues, it's all half as bad. Besides, you also get money for it.

To be able to tell whether something is boring, you have to try it first and then you can always do something completely different.

And believe me: Being a streamer may seem super chilled at first glance, but how many people do you think they can just make ends meet or not make ends meet?


And how do you imagine that as a youtuber / twitcher? Open the canal and the coal is already flowing? If it were really that easy, hardly anyone would work anymore. Has it occurred to you that 99% of these people have worked regularly before? It took them years to get their channels where they are today. And then it's not just sitting in front of the PC and streaming. It's all work at some point, because you have to produce content. Your attitude shows that you have no plan of the world yet. By the way, very few people turn their hobby into a profession.


I only mentioned that with the streams etc because it stayed in my head for days as I said, I can't imagine showing myself in front of a camera

I have to admit that it is a big problem for me that I reject something without trying it

I noticed that I have no problems getting up early as long as there's no school I was in a better mood overall, thanks for your answer


As I said, I can't imagine streaming it was just an example I only mentioned it because I can't get it out of my head that other people play a game and receive 100 euro as a donation and others have to get up early and have a job it's not really fun for you of course there are exceptions but I strongly doubt that I belong to the others


Everyone has that in their own hands. I can recommend that you only answer important questions from others on the web once you understand the maths process. Don't be afraid to motivate a classmate to practice math with you. You should replace your listlessness with a certain enthusiasm and try to get reasonably passable grades - learning and practicing helps here.

With bad grades you will only find employment with temporary employment agencies and under bad conditions you will be pushed from one strenuous activity to the next.

I share with you the enthusiasm for the forest. In winter I'm in my own forest almost every weekend to generate firewood and to maintain the forest through natural regeneration. The forest is good for slowing down - maybe that would be something for choosing a career.

Earning money with games and popular web movies is something you can safely forget. The model is as sure as waiting for the lottery million.


I see you read through a few questions for me. I have to admit, especially with the older questions I have to smile haha

As I said, the streams were just one example. I'm very shy about cameras

I have probably changed my age in some questions the way I know myself. I'm now in my 10s and 18s at first I was ashamed of my age, but I have made it my goal to put my past behind me so that I don't know myself " push down "

I passed the math exam with 5.4 thanks to the other grades I have to step on the gas so that I can pack 10 I can't waste another year thanks for your answer 👌🏻 I rather lived in the past and neglected the present


I can't imagine starting with youtube either, it was just an example

I don't struggle to find arguments. I just wrote down my thoughts because it helps me to understand myself, especially with the answers from others

I'm not really lazy, I don't understand how you come up with it

I myself don't think it's good that I don't have a solid future. I hope that someday I'll have a job that fulfills me


Thank you for your answer

How much free time do you have during the day?

I can't imagine streaming either, I'm not the type for that

I'm very negative when I think about my future I hope that one day I will have a permanent job and I'm happy, have a nice evening ✌🏻


All right, then I got that wrong. To me it came across as I was reading… Maybe a consultation or a few internships will help you


Then what does getting up early mean for you?