Upload Aterno's own modpack?

- in Twitch

Since 2018, Aternos seems to be able to upload their own modpacks. I've downloaded a modpack from Twitch and I do not know how to upload the upload to Aternos. Can someone help me there or recommend a good tutorial?

The official tutorials have not really helped me yet.


Okay, have checked again, Aternos offers according to my sources neither Modpack upload nor FTP access (https://help.aternos.org/de/ftp

Actual answer:

The modpacks on Twitch (at least the im-browser-downloadable) are just a sort of list of mods included in the modpack. The only way to get the mods is, to my knowledge, MultiMC (https://multimc.org) (is also a good launcher, I can really only recommend)

To set up MultiMC:

Once you've set it up, make a new instance and left click on "Import from ZIP" (or something like that), select your downloaded modpack and MultiMC will download all the associated mods. Then you should be able to load the mods on your Aternos server (probably via FTP), in the part, but unfortunately I have no experience, sorry