Music on Twitch stream?

- in Twitch

I wanted to ask what kind of music you can put in on Twitch? So because of copyright. Tubbo always plays Spotify music in his stream, but Twitch says that you are not allowed to do that or something? Are there other ways to play music in the stream?


I wanted to ask what kind of music you can put in on Twitch?

Only copyright free music or if you have the rights to a song, which is unlikely.

Tubbo always plays Spotify music in his stream, but Twitch says that you are not allowed to do that or something?

Either he has the rights to do so, or he wants to collect a ban if Twitch sees what will happen sooner or later.

Are there other ways to play music in the stream?

There are various copyright-free music sites. E.g. From NCS or the Twitch Music Library.


You say he should use copyright music from YT, but then say that it is forbidden & you risk a ban. Is there something in contradiction, don't you think?


On YouTube there's copyright music if you enter it, you would most likely be banned if you didn't use copyright, the last was the explanation why others usually do it with what consequences would happen, please read first then think.


On YouTube there's copyright music if you enter it, you would most likely be banned if you did not use copyright

The sentence doesn't make any sense either.
Exactly the other way around would be the case that you can be banned IF you use copyright music for which you do not have the rights. There's also a lot of copyright-free music on YT.


You don't need to justify me anyway, you have no idea anyway, it would be a waste of time.