What about Gronkh.de?

- in Twitch

Why does https://gronkh-wiki.de/wiki/Gronkh.de redirect to Gronkh's Twitch side?

Since the end of October 2017, https://gronkh-wiki.de/wiki/Gronkh.de has been forwarding to https://www.twitch.tv/....tv/gronkh. Previously, there were no new articles since mid-August 2017. Most members had not added any content in the previous years.

In the meantime you can only visit Gronkh.DE in the web / internet archive (wayback machine): https://web.archive.org/web/20120828051519/http://gronkh.de/


Gronkh has had plans to open the page again for years with the latest technology and a modern interface. There are plans to make the site interactive for the community, with level systems, mini-games, chats, etc.

When I personally caught Gronkh on the Discord server, he said that he still had to look for the right people for this project. He wants to see people programming the same passion for programming that he had.

The page was dead long before it was taken off the web. As you said, the page hadn't been updated long before and content from other members hadn't been there for years. Accordingly, the site was almost not used by the community. Since it was also out of date, Gronkh took it offline. Nobody knows exactly whether there will ever be a real page under the domain again. Unfortunately Gronkh has a lot to do and doesn't really come to the planning.


Are there any live streams, tweats or episodes where he says anything about it?


Unfortunately, I hardly watch live streams, due to time constraints. But even if I had a job in my head right now, I couldn't say which stream or video it comes from. I think the only option to learn about it would be to ask the community on Discord, but most of them have little idea of Gronkh anyway. But maybe the mods will answer.


Could you tell me which Discord servers and how to get there? Would be really great.



You will receive a direct invitation, if you do not have a Discord account yet, one will be created for you.


Thank you very much ;-)