Business registration as a Twitch streamer (tax deduction)?

- in Twitch

If you stream on Twitch, you have to register a business as soon as you earn some money with it. Can you then deduct all the equipment you bought for it (computer, camera, etc.) from taxes - if you bought the equipment before you registered?

And does it matter in which year it all happens? So if I buy the equipment in 2020 and don't register the business until 2021, will that be possible or do I have to do everything in the same year?

I know these are questions for a tax advisor, but I wanted to do a little research beforehand.


Basically, you can buy before the company opens. The whole is only recognized when profits are made.


Okay thanks, do you happen to know whether it makes a difference if the business doesn't open until the next calendar year?


The business registration has absolutely nothing to do with taxes! These are two completely different areas of law.


That shouldn't matter.


You can claim all expenses that you use professionally; even if you bought that before.

If you have items that are in your private possession, you can transfer them to your business assets and then write them off.

This is explained here in this article: