Alternative to Elgato Green Screen?

- in Twitch

Will soon start with Twitch streaming and still need some "equipment", including a green screen or a not too boring but cheap background idea.

I find the concept of the Elgato green screen very good, but like almost every Elgato product it is very expensive.

Are there any alternatives that you don't have to hang on the ceiling or wall?


This can be reduced from 2.60 m to 1.30 m and the height is also adjustable.


What about it?

It serves its purpose. I can't say anything about the brand. This is just an example. Foldable green screens are available from many different providers.


Not serious xDDD
Since you'd rather spend a few euro more on something right:


Truly a good solution, but a foldable green screen is not a bad thing either. If you buy the right ones, you get away with it much cheaper and you are much more mobile. So yes, I'm serious.


Yet they are. Usually arrive slightly bent, then it is harder to key out


According to pictures of reviewers, you can see that there are enough foldable green screens that come without wrinkles. As with any product, you only have to make yourself smart enough and compare yourself.

But honestly you don't have to buy it and since I don't think you did a large foldable green screen test, you shouldn't generalize this statement either. Of course there are black sheep in all products. For some more, for others less, but there are always good products. It only depends on how much time you want to invest to find it.