Twitch get more viewers?

- in Twitch

I've been streaming with 51 followers for several months but never get viewers. My friend has also been streaming for a week and is getting 4 to 7 viewers with currently 10 followers.

Why is that and how can I get more viewers?

Most of those who went to my friend's and watched my stream thought that my stream was of the quality or better in general. Still, I almost never get followers or viewers.


First of all, the quality has to be right even if you think OK for the few viewers, a cheap facecam and a bad micro are enough. HD Cam with at least 30fps and a good microphone are a must.

Technically you should also have a nice logo, a facecam frame etc.

Of course, it also depends on the games, if you play games that hardly anyone wants to see you will be discovered less, since people usually search through the games.

To get started with streaming properly, Twitch is not the way to go either. YouTube is much better for beginners and when things are going well on YouTube you pull your people over to Twitch.

You should not stream directly via the console, but best with a captchercard to a PC and then process the picture with obs FullHD and 30fps are mandatory.

And most importantly, stay on the ball and don't give up. Of course, not everyone can become the next Monte, but streaming in good quality and YouTube videos that are well edited are guaranteed to reach people and from 1000 subscriptions it is a sure-fire success.


As Hemo has already written below, headset or talking does not necessarily have to be. Camera does not have to be necessary either, but you need a powerful PC or games that do not use the PC much Be good headset TS or Discord either from friends or your own and make yourself a streaming plan or write in when you stream and always say when we're there if you don't have time that people can adjust to it and above all what I dislike To watch streamer what many do not want is something like age, Geil, Bruda etc. Many do not like this language


I myself stream in 900p 60fps and also have a subtle 85 euro microphone. Actually, there's no lack of quality. I'll try streaming on YouTube, thanks for the hint.

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