Twitch tricks please?

- in Twitch

Hey started twitch a week ago and hope you have some tips for me.

I bought followers for my looks. 300 real ones that came by themselves and 700 bots. That's the only thing I've bought so far. I have Likes: 3,790 and clicks: 10,800. I don't know where they come from.

I'm already an affiliate and even got a cafe advertising sponsorship offer because a stream went so well.

So everything set up, a lot of advertising done this and that and maybe 5 viewers… For days. Then I tried offering viewers to buy, got 300-400 for 4 hours and only 2.50. They slowly got more and slowly less. Colleague said with more viewers you will be placed higher on the list. The first attempt also worked after the bots were gone, I had almost 170 viewers therefore also this offer, etc. Full of joy and everything

I've been streaming for days and don't have 10 viewers… Today again after the bots were gone 47 viewers but nobody wrote except 3-4 pieces.

What do you mean just keep investing in bot viewers so that someone gradually discovers me so that you can build a basic community for me? I'm very pretty and very entertaining, but I don't know how to become "fame".

What else could I buy to make it "faster"? Tips and tricks are welcome


Very sad.

Buy yourself bots and then wonder why only 5 people are watching.


My advice: quit and look for a job.


What's your name? Maybe I'll have a look.


Are you a heavy streamer? 😁


No, but buying bots is of course forbidden and leads to the deletion of the account, I always report something like this when someone has obviously bought bots.


Will also be reported by me.


Good luck with no evidence lol boy how can you be such a person

rat you get what you deserve for that


What should i get?

Blows from god?


The proof is here on good question you 500 IQ machine


You are the rat because you cheat and you get what you deserve like any cheater.




Haha so laughing at you old farmers 🤣🤣🤣 don't even have Instagram says it all 🤣🤣 be ashamed and keep your pent-up hate with you.

Or also like with the streamer that I have marked, best push your idiot club