Do I have to file a tax return or something similar with Twitch Affilate?

- in Twitch

Today I got the opportunity to activate Twitch Affilate. Since I got the idea with the emotes and co. I think it's pretty cool for the community! Now I'm wondering whether I have to do a tax return or something similar directly. Or whether I, maybe have tax disadvantages and z. B. Come to a different tax bracket. As a brief next to info. I'm a trainee earn a rough minimum wage with trainees and am tax class 1.


9,408 euro

The basic tax allowance will be increased from 9,000 euro (2018) to 9,168 euro (2019) and 9,408 euro (2020).

if you don't take any more, then don't.


You don't have to, you don't even have to register a business because your income must be higher than 450 euro (Mntl.)

You will not earn 100 euro a year if you can unlock it first.


So can I apply for affiliate without worrying about it?


Yes of course, as soon as you earn a lot, you have to "register". But if you now earn 200 euro-300 euro a month, don't


Where do I have to register this? So the tax office or in my company?


Since you intend to make a profit, you have to register a business (possible from 18).

You then have to fill out the tax registration questionnaire (or wait for it to be sent to you) and send it to the tax office.

You then have to submit tax returns every year, etc.

Tax class 1 remains, because it has nothing to do with the amount of your tax burden.

The 450 euro limit is completely wrong here, it applies to mini jobs, and the basic income tax allowance has nothing to do with trade law. From the first cent you have to register a business and submit the declarations accordingly, but you only pay income tax as soon as your taxable income exceeds the basic tax allowance.


The 450 euro limit applies to white-collar mini-jobs, not commercial activities.


I mean that this is the limit where you have to pay taxes.


It's not that either, the income tax allowance is 9,408 euro. And a business has to be registered with the intention of making a profit.


Know many at Twitch who have not registered a small business earn roughly 10 euro a month that is then. Illegal. What would happen if the finance office looked at it?

Another question is the tax office EYE at 5-20 euro or let's say 50 euro a month.

Because it's stupid to register a small business if your parents then get the child benefit canceled.


Under the age of 18 it is generally (almost) not possible to open a business (there's no small business). That means that what you do is generally illegal.

If you don't register it can be good. The tax office knows more than you think. And you really don't want to have anything to do with tax investigations.

And no, the child benefit will not be canceled immediately.


So only from the purely theoretical point of view, you don't need a trade as long as you don't pay anything.

Tax-free is 450 euro per month, you can only have paid out from 100 euro anyway and don't have to pay any taxes on it because you are still in the tax exemption, n business you should logically have the 1 payout at the latest, my mistake that I wrote it wrongly beforehand.