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- in Twitch

How should I get started? My little brother apparently insulted a foreign streamer on Twitch. He also confessed to me and the streamer probably said that he would like to advertise it. Apparently this person lives in Turkey. My question now is whether I have to worry that I can get a complaint for being insulted here in Germany? I scolded him and then deactivated his account and removed the respective data. Do I have to worry and should I tell the parents about my little brother?

Update: The streamer said that he would try to show and that you can find out the IP address of the user. He will probably sue us for 500 euro and we're not rich anyway… As I said, he lives in Turkey and we in Germany


Basically, I don't think anyone would bother reporting someone because of Twitch abuse.

Are you sure it was your brother and not you?


Yes he came to me crying after the streamer said that he would report him. I then followed his stream a little and he said that he was really annoyed and would definitely like to report it.


Funny, no you absolutely don't have to worry

First, nobody bothered to do that

and secondly, the police laughed at the scoreboard. An ad on Twitch for a minor insult. Funny


I hope not that it comes to that


How bad were the insults and how old is your brother?


Thank you very much, I was also very scared. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.


I strongly assume that it was only said to scare him + he would only have banned him safe.


He's 11, he called the streamer Hs, I also scolded him a lot. The guy probably translated that and got extremely excited. Doesn't seem to be very tight either.


Yes I hope so. But he didn't block him in the chat.


Then he's not even punishable, so he can't actually get a punishment


No, your brother won't get in trouble, but he should be careful in the future what he says or rather how he acts, that you can read insults or things from time to time, even a streamer doesn't have to care and doesn't take it to heart the message deleted or rather the user who wrote it blocked on the channel, but ad because whoever insulted on Twitch almost nobody would do it and the police would not care.


Thank you for your answer and I hope you are right about the police. I watched the stream highlights from him and he seems to be showing us and he says that he would receive 500 euro.


If it was hate speech then at most maybe, but no because of insult. Oh, he's just talking.