Level 1 subscription with Twitch? What does that mean?

- in Twitch

I've been watching Twitch for two weeks because I like to play a game and want to learn more there. In the meantime, I really like being out of Twitch.

Now I watch a streamer almost every day. Now I have received a "Level 1 subscription" from another viewer. But I don't really know what that means? What can I do with it? Should you give something back?


This allows you to use emotes and you don't have to watch advertisements


This means that you are now a subscriber to the streamer for a month and can use its emotes.

Subben is a way of supporting the streamer, such a subscription cost 4.99 euro per month and the streamer receives 2.50 euro from it

The gift subscription expires automatically after one month, so there are no follow-up costs.


Level 1 subscription is the normal subscription of 4.99 euro per month.

Depending on the streamer, there are several levels

Level 2 = 9.99 euro and level 3 = 24.99 euro


Twitch offers the option of subscribing to streamers that have the status "affiliate". This is chargeable and costs Tier 1 Sub 4.99 euro.

The streamers who have set this can insert certain emotes, i.e. Small images, which can only use subs.

There's also the possibility that the streamer can make the sub only mode. There only subs can write in the chat.