Commercial for Twitch Affiliate?

- in Twitch

I have qualified for the Twitch Affiliate Program for a while (not an affiliate!). You need a business for partners, I know that. Is that also the case with Affiliate? It also says something about taxes etc.


Basically, a trade is necessary if you are continuously engaged in a business activity that is profit-oriented.
That ongoing / constant is important. If you sell a few times and irregularly on Ebay, you don't need a business.

But if you regularly stream on Twitch, generate income, then a business might be necessary. Especially if, for example, you have a fixed schedule for when to stream.

By the way, you have to state the income, whether donations or anything else, in the income tax. Even if you don't have a business, income is taxable.

If in doubt, however, you should consult a tax advisor. Such advice is not so expensive and better than having problems with the tax later.


Is that possible if you are a minor?


Yes, it is also fine.

You can even register a business as a minor, it is not even expensive or difficult.

You have to declare your income for tax purposes. Whether you then really have to pay taxes is a different matter - it depends very much on the amount of income. If you only earn a little, you do not have to pay any taxes (but you have to state it).


As soon as you have an intention to make a profit (which you theoretically have because you can collect bits etc.) you are obliged to display this as a tissue


Okay thanks


All of this is possible, but only with the consent of your parents. As a minor, you are incapable of acting in the taxation process (cf. §79 AO).

The business registration requires not only the consent of your parents, but also the approval of the family court, but this is usually not a problem.

But it's also interesting how much you earn a month! If you stay below 256 euro then you can let it run as a "hobby" (cf. §22 No. 3 EStG), but whether you still have to register a trade exceeds my current level of knowledge, sorry… Maybe one can add other friendly users at this point.

In general, however, it can be said that you, I assume (very cheeky) that you are a student and therefore currently have no other job, hardly have to pay taxes, unless your work on Twitch is going so well that you pay more than 9408 euro ( for 2020). You would still have to make a tax return, alternatively, in order not to have to worry about a tax return, you can have a "non-assessment certificate" issued


My god, dream answer.

Paths of action shown, everything documented with reference to the legal situation.

Copy that as an answer, you more than deserve the star.


I don't even know where the profit making comes from. Yes, that's in the law, but it also says that it has to be regular or permanent.

(edit: I know it, believe me, the word is so beautiful profit making, a dream)

Profit-making alone is usually not enough.

Just think of the people who sell stuff on Ebay. If you don't do it in the "commercial style", i.e. Regularly / permanently, then of course no business is necessary.


All of this is possible, but only with the consent of your parents. As a minor, you are incapable of acting in the taxation process (cf. §79 AO).

The business registration requires not only the consent of your parents, but also the approval of the family court, but this is usually not a problem.

But it's also interesting how much you earn a month! If you stay below 256 euro then you can let it run as a "hobby" (cf. §22 No. 3 EStG), but whether you still have to register a trade exceeds my current level of knowledge, sorry… Maybe one can add other friendly users at this point.

In general, however, it can be said that you, I assume (very cheeky) that you are a student and therefore currently have no other job, hardly have to pay taxes, unless your work on Twitch is going so well that you pay more than 9408 euro ( for 2020). You would still have to make a tax return, alternatively, in order not to have to worry about a tax return, you can have a "non-assessment certificate" issued.

Small addendum: If nobody has an answer to the loophole regarding the trade, otherwise just call the office. Nobody bites you or turns your head if you don't know your way around completely. They are happy to help you


Many Thanks!