Get banned for a word on Twitch?

- in Twitch

I'm very concerned about my Twitch channel right now. I was just streaming with a couple of friends who were suddenly (for whatever reason, talking about ice cream) and then came the ice cream "Nogger" (how do you come up with a name?); on. I immediately said that you shouldn't say that, but you said the word again several times. Now I've taken the stream offline, made a video of the stream and deleted the stream.

There can be serious consequences for me and since I'm still a small streamer I'm seriously worried, I didn't say the word myself.


Contact the twich support, they should actually release you and if not then you can take legal action against the just because twich belongs to twich does not mean that you can do what they want.


If the product was called that and you saw it, then nothing will happen. If no one reported your stream, nothing will happen to you anyway.


Why should they ban you from Nogger?

Is a proper name, hence.