Receive Twitch donations via Tipeestream, do I have to pay tax?

- in Twitch

Some people have a tipeestream link to receive donations on Twitch, I've heard that these donations also have to be taxed and some business has to register. This is not possible if you are under 18 or otherwise you have to go through the family court. Some people who are clearly under the age of 18 receive but donating is it now so legal or not? Or don't you have to pay tax on the donations because Tipeestream is already a trade, I can't see through it anymore


Yes, you have to pay tax, there are also no donations, the tax office calls it income

it is probably also a trade


You have to register a business as soon as you intend to make a profit, that is the case with you, and of course you also have to tax the income.

As a minor, you need the consent of your legal guardian and that of the family court to register a business:

And I would not let it matter, the tax offices have software with very amazing skills…