Why can't I pay with Paypal on Twitch?

- in Twitch

I recently created a PayPal account and have given my bank account as a method of payment. Now I had to wait for this code with the amount paid by PayPal, I just entered the code and thought I can now pay and support my favorite streamer on Twitch. However, this is still not possible, neither a donation via tipeestream or a classic sub. At tipeestream I'm shown: "This transaction amount exceeds your available PayPal balance. Add a credit card to complete your purchase." However, I don't understand that because my bank account has sufficient capacity.

Hence my questions:

Do I have to provide a credit card? (however I don't have any)
Do I just have to wait until I can buy something?
Do I simply have to transfer money from my account to my PayPal? I can't understand that at all
What can I do? I would just like to support streamers


Your bank account probably has to be "activated" first. So it was with me.

Took about 14 days.


1.) Are you of legal age?
And are correct dates entered in your PayPal account, especially correct date of birth?

2.) This is a security measure from PayPal that has been coming up more and more recently, especially for new customers and customers with unclear creditworthiness. Almost daily there's the same question as yours in the forum.

PayPal requests - in addition to the bank account - the input of the credit card. This is a security measure…

to secure the payment (PayPal can't see if there's enough money in your bank account)
to filter out minors who cheated an illegal PayPal account with a fake date of birth.

► If you are of legal age and everything on your PayPal account is lawful, then you can thank the many underage cheaters for whom PayPal has tightened security measures…

► However, if you are a minor PayPal cheater yourself, then they are now in your sights and the consequences will follow…


Huh, on my day of registration?!


Nice, not with me.


If you say so…


That's why I waited until I was 18.

Better to wait than it comes out and then I have a lifelong ban.


My cat was called Rubezahl.


As Rubezahl said:

2.) This is a security measure from PayPal that has been coming up more and more recently, especially for new customers and customers with unclear creditworthiness. Almost daily there's the same question as yours in the forum.


Thank you, I have already read it from Rubeszahl2000. 😉


According to Pay Pal max. 2-3 days after registration… But as I said, exceptions confirm the rule.


Sweet; not turnip number?


Yes, but not everyone has a credit card, which means I can't use my account? Or what do I have to do now?


First answer the most important question honestly!
Are you of legal age?


Yes, just turned 18


Yes, you will be unlocked after a time.


Yes, indeed.