What do you think about the thing with Monte 33 days ban?

- in Twitch

Wanted to ask what you hold on the matter of Montes 33 days ban

my opinion:

Of course I don't think it's so cool what he was doing but he was entertaining his stream and it was funny at that moment and afterwards. In my opinion, the fact that Twitch put him under a ban is stupid and frankly exaggerated…

But he also knows that he won't lose any viewers because everyone who was in the stream liked him, and everyone who doesn't like him like other YouTubers who are no better themselves


What did he do wrong? Missed the stream


What has he done?


He has always looked at women on malta and sometimes also filmed them and then so oiii is the cool memo look ma…

and at the end he photographed a woman in an Infinity pool with a camera from his balcony


Look on YouTube and just enter Monte…

then videos come of it


Okay, if you know Monte, you know how it is meant, of course. But I think that's a bit blatant


Yes too xd

but personally I think it's okay and wouldn't have done anything for it and thought it was funny myself so they should do it and be done


Deserved - With such actions and statements, you don't have to be surprised if Twitch suddenly intervenes and bans you.


A ban is of course justified with something like this, but the length of the ban was probably increased a bit by all the influencers who wrote 15 essays. But I think that one or the other Twitch streamer could get a ban if you look at how they try to get on Krampf viewer, subs, etc. Through revealing outfits or similar (now has nothing to do with Monte's ban directly)


What do I say about it? The 33 days of being banned on twitch should still be his smallest problem!

THAT just doesn't work. If I were on twitch, and if it were on my subscription list, it would have been dropped… M.E. Should the guy be banned from Malta for 33 years: -D


Yes, you're right there.

But if you see it that way, Twitch could also ban all the women who hold their balls in the cam and thus get followers and sometimes really see everything but Twitch does nothing


I don't want to contradict you fundamentally, but THE women have decided to present their advantages themselves… It is not the case with the others.


Yes that's right lg