OBS Streaming Twitch is now causing internet problems?

- in Twitch

I've been streaming on Twitch for a few months now (so far WITHOUT any problems) but the internet has been out for almost 2 weeks (or I get ping problems in the games and ping spikes in the stream). According to speedtest & provider everything works (line etc is absolutely the same as before) and I have also not changed anything in the settings (I reduced the bit rate from 4500 to 3000 for testing and absolutely nothing has changed). Does anyone know why that could be because nothing has changed in the management / provider or in my settings? (My LAN cable is not broken either. I tried a new one and nothing has changed via a wireless card either)

WITHOUT streaming there are no problems!


Maybe you can restart your router and update or reinstall the driver for your PC.


I've already tried it. There are no other problems if I don't stream & nothing has changed so I don't quite understand it