Why is my twitch donation not displayed on paypal?

- in Twitch

Maybe one of you can help me. I plan to start using Twitch and I've already set it up. Before my first stream, I wanted to try whether everything worked. So my mom 'donated' 5 euro to me through my donation button. So far everything is fine, she got a confirmation email and so did I. The donation is also displayed on twitch. I also received an email from PayPal that she donated to me. But it is not displayed on my PayPal account and the money is not there either. I have verified my account and everything has to be confirmed.
Maybe someone has an idea why that could be.


I already had a problem like this. Sometimes there are difficulties with the different currencies. It may be that you have to wait there, or that you still have to confirm something. Just log into PayPal and take a look around.


A streaming colleague