Paypal donation link: keep money tax-free (

- in PlayStation

I have a short question out of interest, not because I want to do it. May I create a Papal.Me donation call for a PS5 and then keep the money tax-free? Is it considered a donation or not? Or would you have to register something


No as a gift.

A donation would be if it is charitable, you are not allowed to issue donation receipts


If you do something with people to donate, that would be income taxable income from the activity. "Doing" can be anything. For example operated a YouTube channel. Also likely to be sales taxable, but the small business regulation would probably be applicable here.

if you just put the link on Facebook and don't do anything for which the "donation" could be considered in return, it would be a gift. There's an allowance of 20,000 euro per person among strangers (all donations within 10 years are added together)


1.) You are a minor and are not allowed to use PayPal at all!
The use of PayPal is generally only allowed from 18 years - without exception!

2.) You are not a "non-profit organization", but want to enrich yourself personally with the money. Therefore, from a tax point of view, this is not a donation at all, but an income that must be reported to the tax office.


All right!


P.S sales tax does not apply either way because there's no exchange of services.

Section 1.1 (1) UStAE


An exchange of benefits can also exist in the case of voluntary remuneration. But not written what / if he does what for the money, I wouldn't be so sure about sales tax


It doesn't matter whether the payment is voluntary, no exchange of services, no sales tax. And since a donation link only receives payments and you don't get anything in return, the VAT is thrown out


He calls this a donation link. He doesn't write whether he's doing something for it


He won't do anything about it, can be seen from the context

interpretation according to §133 BGB