Is Article 13 really as bad as everyone thinks?

- in Twitch

The best I have read today. Everybody knows Twitch this is a streamer platform for gamers. When Article 13 comes into force it can happen that the EU citizen can no longer use Twitch and we can't even look at American, Japanese Let's Players etc. Because it is a legal platform for the others and illegal for us. Even normal channels like Trap City and Trap Music I'm scared of, because those are my favorite channels on Youtube and our upload filters do not even recognize that as a remix and suck off the platform.

Is Article 13 good or bad for you?


This is an EU directive, which means that the EU Member States have now transferred Article 13 or 17 into national law for 24 months.


Nobody can say if it really gets that bad. Finally, small businesses have a chance to negotiate with the big tech companies about using their content, that's good.


For the 2423th time:

The copyright reform is good and necessary. The article 13 contained in it is (as part of the reform) so completely correct - but just substantively nonsense because technically just so unworkable.

despite everything - so far it is "only" an eu rule and no law. Therefore, wait and see what happens in the next 2 years on German level.