Twitch Donations via Paypal. Do I need a business account to hide my name?

- in Twitch

Created a Twitch account a month ago and now has over 100 followers. On request of these I've set up a Paypala account. After receiving Donations, I noticed that Paypal displays my real name for "buyer" for each transfer. Since I want to preserve my anonymity, it is important for me that this is not made available to everyone.

After a few hours on Google I already found out that Paypal MUST show the name of private accounts.

I have already seen that there's the function "Promote on business account" and now have a few questions about it.

Is a business account suitable for my purposes?

What are the charges if I use a business account?

Will only my "company name" appear on donations or e-mail address etc?

I'm really grateful for every answer!

Glg Studia


Have you registered a trade, so you have a trade license?
Do you report your revenue to the tax office?
Are you of legal age?


Pay Pal is a very transparent payment provider, so even in a business account your data such as, company name, name, etc. Will be visible.

Try with another payment provider.


Have only received 20 euro and do not know exactly if that is enough to register a trade and if that is necessary. Have the Donation function set.
Not reported yet.


To 2: Such donations are in any case taxable income - no matter what kind of Paypal account you use. If you do not report the revenue to the tax office, it goes in the direction of tax evasion.

To 1: For a business account, of course, a registered trade is the prerequisite. Of course, your data will NOT be concealed in your stores.


Ad 2: Twitch donations can be withdrawn. How am I supposed to report revenue that is not 100% certain, especially since these donations only arrived 1 week ago? It is 20 euro and not several 100 euro. Is it necessary to report this with such a small amount or can it be made retroactive at a later date (if the donation can't be withdrawn)?

Sorry for the stupid questions, I do not know anything about this area.


PayPal is a bank and not an anonymous playground. Accept coupons, PSC or Bitcoin if you want to be anonymous.

Donations, in the legal sense, can't go to a private person, but to a corporation (you can at least settle, etc.). The money gifts you receive are simply private income (additional income) which you. U. Must be stated in the annual tax return. That depends on the amount you receive in the year. Under a certain limit (a few hundred euro) you do not have to do anything.

The exact values can ergoogeln itself. There are different limits depending on the type and regularity of the intake. Have no idea what these "donations" count.

Ask the WBS law firm on YT. If they do not already have something about it. Fits with their modus operandi.