Stream Twitch or YouTube?

- in Twitch

I'm just starting to stream and don't know where to stream at all.

First I started on Twitch but got no viewers at all, and then switched to.YT and got 4-5 viewers there.

Still, what I've read that you can reach people more easily on Twitch than on YT, etc. Confused me.

Where are you streaming And can you recommend YT or Twitch for streaming?


For streaming I like Twitch more. Even if I'm relatively small there and don't have that many viewers, I think it's better than YouTube and, from my point of view, it is a much better website with many great features simply because Twitch is designed for streaming

But I also say very clearly. I prefer my small community, but people who find me because of the topic (the category) are better for my technical stream.


As a rule, you will not be found on Twitch if you are not actively searched.
It is usually sorted from large (gives a lot of money on Twitch) to small (gives no to little money on Twitch).

On YouTube it is more or less a coincidence whether you are discovered, but usually you will be found with enough tags and appealing content.
The best thing is something that no one is doing yet. So don't say 0815 "I'll play a game and at best slap my camera in the corner".


Thanks for the answer.


No problem!


I've been streaming on Twitch for 1 year and only got 300 followers.

Before that I streamed on Youtube for 1 year and had 7k followers.

You won't achieve anything on Twitch when you're little.