Stream quality at Twitch?

- in Twitch

My problem is that when I'm twitching on Twitch Fortnite Streams the stream is a bit slow in fast moves even though I have a very good upload of 30 Mbps. For light movements, the stream is in good quality. I stream with the program Streamlabs with a bit rate of 6000, my resolution Scaled is at 1280x720, FPS is 30, Ecoder is my graphics card (NVENC), rate control I have CBR and the downscale filter I have Lanzco's sharp scaling (32 samples) , If I increase the resolution and set the FPS to 60 it will only get worse. Can someone tell me why this is and what I'm doing best? As I said only with fast movements, the quality is bad.

Stream quality at Twitch Stream quality at Twitch - 1


That helps a lot, besides, 6000 is way too high. 2500 is enough. Because some devices can't handle this high bitrate. Maybe you have looked at your stream through a device that can't handle this high bitrate. For further questions look on my Discord over. There I'm and I can make you designs and animations for your stream if you need something; ); )

Discord: ------->


Thanks, I'll try it right now


Lower bitrate does not help. Only gets worse


What's your name then Twitch… Then I'll take a look




Stream today also until 2 o'clock