Why do people give reaction youtubers so much money?

- in Twitch

Hi, I just saw a live stream from a Youtuber who just had 50,000 subscriptions. He only reacted to one track and one subscriber simply "donated" over 400 euro. Within 2 hours, all supporters raised around 1500 euro. You see something like that often, whether on Twitch or YouTube. Regardless of whether it is a large or a small channel.

I mean most of them go to work, but not just to give it away? And especially not to someone who just gives his opinion. We give our family or friends, not a lot of money just because we like them.

We don't pay extra on Netflix just because we particularly liked a series?

So why? If every subscriber donates a few euro, okayy that's change and the streamer still gets a good amount of money so that he can work more safely on his content without having to do a regular job in a full-time position.

But as?

In Africa people are starving, there are homeless people on the streets (only those who are not entirely to blame for their situation), children's homes, animal welfare organizations, environmental organizations. Those who actually need it don't get anything. But someone who only speaks his mind and reacts to other videos.


Because the fans want to support them. They are allowed to do that, too, is their money.


Why do you buy films / games instead of donating your money?

People get entertained and like to spend money on it


People donate money to Youtubers because they like them and want to support them. With the money, many buy new PCs or other equipment in order to make even better videos

I absolutely agree with you that you could donate your money much more sensibly, but everyone really has to know that for themselves. Especially when it comes to such high sums


This is called a craving for recognition.

They find themselves overjoyed when your name is there as "donor".


We don't pay on Netflix just because we particularly liked a series? There are opportunities for membership on Twitch etc. A few euro a month would regularly go to the Content Creator, which I think is completely okay and justified. Millions of euro go into production for a game / film. Hundreds of people have to be paid and live on the sales. A streamer actually only needs a reasonably good PC (which goes with it) and OBS… Go online and give your opinion on the latest videos that he didn't even produce himself. That is illogical…


The urge for validity / addiction is probably the best explanation, thank you!