Reaction streams on YouTube / Twitch | allowed or not?

- in Twitch

I recently watched a video from the YouTube channel "", and reaction videos.

In the video, reference was made to the right to quote when it comes to reaction videos. Which, however, most people do not do, and accordingly it could be viewed as a "watchdog violation", but which for some reason is not done.

So what's the best way to behave if you're a small Twitch / YouTube streamer and want to react to videos?


Asking people for permission. It would be these who would report you.


Of course… But I can't always ask everyone's permission, if I get videos sent spontaneously, or if I spontaneously choose which ones, then it doesn't work well with asking, especially if they are big YouTubers, then it becomes difficult with the "get an answer"


Yes, you're unlucky… The whole thing is only legal with the permission of the creator or copyright holder.

I don't understand why responses are so great anyway. I can also watch videos on my own.