Involuntarily in the stream - what can I do?

- in Twitch

I played a few rounds of online multiplayer a few hours ago, which I do more often and which has always gone well so far. Today I was on a server with two other people. During the game there were some stupid jokes at my expense, but that usually somehow belongs to it and can also be funny. In the second of the game rounds I heard the keyword "chat" and asked for it. It turns out that (at least) one of the teammates streamed the game on Twitch. I've met streamers quite often in the game, but they asked beforehand and I was able to quit in good time. I couldn't do that this time.

Of course, I find it absolutely inappropriate to stream myself with such a small group (including username and voice) without my permission. I also found the stream recorded on Twitch and my person is panned as a joke in the stream, among other things, because I simply did not understand acoustically or misunderstood some things and give seemingly naive answers or because I was - probably rightly - pissed off because I was seen / heard on Twitch without my knowledge. I reported the streamer there and on Steam.

My questions would now be:

Was he even allowed to do that?
What can I do if my reports are unsuccessful? In the video, even if I only heard half of it, I'm shown extremely stupid and unsympathetic, and people made fun of me in the chat.
… Or: Do I just see it too closely in the middle of the night and have overreacted? I feel extremely uncomfortable and somehow exposed with it.

Sorry for the long text. I'm happy if you answer me.


He mustn't. You could report him. Not only because of the admission but also because of the insult. And no you didn't overreact, just dishonorable action


Really dishonorable


There's nothing you can do but avoid these people. Doesn't belong to the fine kind, but you are usually anonymous and who should please assign your voice and even if you can hardly draw conclusions about your person. Learn from your behavior and mistakes and just think that on Twitch there are mainly trolls who are entertainted and then forgotten again. You can change your name in-game and on Steam.


Clearly prohibited in Germany in my opinion.,zu%20720%20Tagess%C3%A4tzen%20zu%20bestrafen.


Can you be identified from the stream? If not then you can't do anything, it's an anonymous voice with anonymous usernames in some video.

If you can be clearly recognized and only identified through the video, then report it with appropriate information and refer to the GDPR and the NetzDG because your rights are violated.


Thanks for your answer! No, I can't be identified. As planned within the game, I was out and about under my Steam nickname, which, if at all, acquaintances and Steam friends can assign and which I changed out of annoyance.
The answers here are really different; if you really can't do anything against something like that, that's of course the way it is, but I don't find it very funny that you can represent someone, despite anonymity, without your knowledge and the result permanently (? - I don't really know about Twitch. ) may represent. Well, there's nothing you can do about it.
But out of interest: Where would you report something like that?


Many thanks for your response. Well, I was not offended now, I "just" come across as pretty stupid, but I still agree with you with the "dishonorable action":)


Thank you very much for your answer. The name change on Steam took place immediately afterwards. But well, "these people" are hard to avoid if you don't know that someone is streaming when you enter the server. That's annoying, but you're right, luckily few conclusions can be drawn about me.


Hello and thanks for the quick reply. The paragraph is interesting; I didn't even think that this could fall under "misuse of a sound recorder or listening device"; So far I had only looked for guidelines for streaming and unfortunately found hardly anything. However, I hope the whole thing resolves over Twitch / Steam. In view of the fact that I was traveling more or less anonymously, threatening the Criminal Code seemed too big a step for me. But it's good to know the legal basis now.