Publication of private e-mails from Livestreamer to YouTube channel?

- in Twitch

I'm a live streamer on and have had a pretty negative experience with a YouTube channel that promotes many streamers. He told crass BS about other highlight channels, put forward crazy theories and tried to incite me against them. In addition, the user of this channel also dealt poop with other streamers I know. I want to give him a lesson with a YouTube video and warn other streamers and YouTube channels about him.

Can private e-mails (which have a business background from both sides) be published in a YouTube video? If not, am I at least allowed to forward my emails to the other YouTube channel where he was talked about?

Please only for a professional opinion, no speculation.


If I understand correctly, a YouTuber spoke very negatively about you. If that is the case, it would make the most sense to contact YouTube about this first. If the YouTuber has used stream excerpts from you, you can simply strike him away.