Stream on Twitch or Youtube?

- in Twitch

I don't know if Twitch or Youtube is better for streaming because both have advantages and disadvantages. (Mixer is not that big yet and most are english)


Advantage: The streams are stored on the platform

Disadvantage: Streams are difficult to find


Advantage: platform is very well known for streams

Disadvantages: As a beginner, it is difficult and streams have to be uploaded to YouTube.


With Twitch, the view for the streaming is infinitely better. In general, Twitch is best for stream and there you will get more viewers because who ghz the YouTube on a foreign profile and watches the stream


Stream on Twitch, and then don't upload the entire stream to YouTube, just the highlist


The probability of getting viewers there's higher.


Twitch used to be better, now it is flooded with some kack streamers and looks totally confusing I have been looking at the streams since they have redesigned the website


I find it worthwhile to stream more on twicht because you earn well with a stream and if you also upload the stream in individual episodes on YT. Then you earn almost twice. Take a look at Rewinside who does the same


In my opinion, that also depends on what exactly you want to stream. If you do gaming, you can't avoid Twitch. It's also easier to get viewers on Twitch, the community is there, at least that's how I noticed it, it's much more humane and has more brains. If your stream is suggested on Youtube people, many come in and have. I think that's friendlier at Twitch.


There are just as many small streamers / youtubers on YouTube so this is not an acceptable argument for this discussion, what you personally prefer is also a question of taste.


It's also easier to get viewers on Twitch, the community is there, at least that's how I noticed it, it's much more humane and has more brains.

Yes, I also saw a Youtuber. So that you are smarter


Yes, I've often noticed that YouTube has a lot more hats for no reason just because you don't like the content. It's much chillier on Twitch.