Obs doesn't use full bandwidth?

- in Twitch

Obs - Windows 10 - Twitch Streaming

I have set everything possible for bandwidth, it always streams unpredictably and unevenly too little bandwidth, for example when I 2500 one time it sends with 1700, it crashes to 500 and rises again to 1300, although I have 7Mbts upload throughout (which is not much, but I was streaming smoothly until I reset my PC). What's going on? Did I set something wrong?


2500 one time it sends with 1700 crashes to 500 and rises again to 1300, although I have 7Mbts upload throughout

It should be 6 Mbit, you have 7.
Your fluctuations seem to be due to general problems on your line. Since you only say your bitrate is 2500, I assume you want to stream in 720p?

What do your other attitudes say?


Due to my low bandwidth, I have the stream at 720p 30FPS and an audio bitrate of 128 desktop and 128 micro.


What kind of hardware do you actually use? They won't necessarily have anything to do with the upload, because as I said, I just suspect that there's too much load in your apartment or on your distribution list, which means that you don't have a stable internet or upload.

You can test this by watching your upload at different times. Usually you have these fluctuations at certain times of the day, which is an indication that the distributor you are running through is busy


Thanks, I just don't understand why everything worked before the reset, the stream ran smoothly.